SMC Logo Colour

The Past Pupils Association welcomes past pupils, teachers and others associated with St Mary's College.  We have 2-3 annual functions, and also fund a Past Pupils Scholarship. 

Our focus for 2024/2025 is to begin planning celebrations for the 175th anniversary of St Mary's College over Labour Weekend (October 25-27th) 2025.


Upcoming Events 2024

Sunday 21 July                    Morning Tea at Alberton House

11am                                     100 Mt Albert Road, Mt Albert

                                               $25 (includes entry fee and tea/coffee with scone) 

                                               Payment: Please pay directly into ASB 12 3044 0414268 00 and include your name as reference 

                                               Please confirm your payment by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

                                               Payment may also be made on the day, please email us to reserve a seat. 



Sunday 22 September

11.30am                               Mass followed by light lunch 

1pm                                      AGM


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If you’d like to join our committee or would like more information, email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.