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2023 NCEA Results
We are again very proud of the academic results achieved by our students in 2023. NZQA data shows...
2026 Enrolments
Enrolments for 2026 will open Monday 10 February 2025. Enrolments wil close Friday 21 March 2025. We...
Alumni on Facebook
Feeling nostalgic? Want to reconnect with old classmates or teachers and relive moments from your...
Bounce Back 4 Syria
ReliefAid is a kiwi charity delivering emergency aid to people affected by conflict. Working in...
Lockdown Open Day Videos
Due to the COVID alert level changes in Auckland in 2021 and 2022, we were unfortunately unable to...
MB Development
The Mother Benedict Block (MB) refurbishment is now complete. It is great to see all the spaces...
We invite you to join us for our annual OPEN DAY on Thursday 6 March 2025. This is a wonderful...
St Mary's College Video
We are pleased to present our St Mary's College promotional video. Please click below to check out...
The school's preferred method of payment is using the payments section of our site via the Student and Parent Portal by either direct bank (account to account) or credit card for student's activity fees, school costs and contributions or other items. Full or partial payments may be processed, and the following online secure payment fees apply:
DPS Transaction Fee = $0.50c per transaction
Credit Card Bank Fee = 2.5% surcharge applies
Please note, a credit card bank fee of 2.5% also applies on payments made through the school office.
For trips, activities or sports please ensure full payment is made by the date on your notification letter or registration form.
Refund Policy:
Generally, any payments made for school charges, contributions, trips, activities, sports fees, tournaments and registrations are non-refundable. Any refunds will be automatically directed to other items on the account in the first instance. Please direct inquiries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Privacy and Website Security:
Payments are processed through the secure DPS Payment Express system. Any credit card details stored for recurring payments are done so on the DPS system. No credit card information is stored by the school and we are Payment Card Industry compliant. The DPS Encrption protection is managed with a SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate, industry standard 128bit encrption software.
Attendance Dues:
As a a condition of enrolment at an Integrated School, there is a legal requirement for parents to pay Attendance Dues (Education and Training Act 2020)
Attendance Dues payable for 2025 school year:
Year 0 – Year 8 $133.00 per term ($532.00 per year) including GST
Year 7 – Year 8 $133.00 per term ($532.00 per year) including GST
Year 9 – Year 13 $270.00 per term ($1,080.00 per year) including GST
Attendance Dues can be paid in full at the beginning of the school year, per term or by regular instalment.
More information is available from the school office.
Financial Contributions:
Building and Proprietor financial Contributions collected on behalf of the Proprietor are permitted under the terms of the Education and Training Act 2020. These contributions are used for long-term capital developments, upgrading and major maintenance of school builings and faciilties to provide infrastructure and to uphold the Catholic identity and heritage of St Mary's College. Special Character contributions are collected on behalf of the Catholic Education Office and are used towards the support and delivery of Catholic Special Character Education.
General Purpose Contributions are directed towards funding equipment and the many programmes around the school. The College provides a high quality education and extensive opportunities with a wide range of subject choices and activities available.
All contributions are eligible for a tax rebate.
Tax Donation Receipts:
A tax rebate may be applied for on your school contributions throught Inland Revenue (refer You may be able to get a rebate of up to one third of contributions paid across the financial year. The school will send out Tax Donation Receipts in mid-April which will include any payments received by the school up to the 31 March.
Please contact the accounts office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for any assistance or queries and reference your daughter’s name and Student ID in the email.
St Mary’s College will provide an excellent education for students enabling them to take their place in society as confident life-long learners and as women who value and hold the truths of the Catholic Church and the Mercy tradition of compassion and social justice.
We are pleased to advise that enrolments for 2026 will open on Monday 10 February 2025. Please ensure you have all the supporting documents, listed below, ready prior to starting your online application. Enrolments wil close Friday 21 March 2025.
Should you have an 2025 enrolment enquiry, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 09 376 6568
All online enrolment information can be found below, please make sure you have the listed required documents ready to upload before starting the online application.
We invite you to join us for our annual OPEN DAY on Thursday 6 March 2025. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about our college, meet our staff, and experience our learning environment first-hand.
Enrolment Process - NZ residents
- Please make sure you have the required documents ready to upload before starting the online application
- Complete the online enrolment form and upload and attach all other required documents
- Applications will be considered for acceptance when the online enrolment form is completed, and all documents are provided
- St Mary's College Enrolment Policy
- If you are enquiring about a 2025 enrolment please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
- St Mary's College has no zoning restrictions.
St Mary's College ONLINE enrolment form - CLICK HERE
Supporting documents required:
*Preference students - 5.1 - copy of Catholic baptismal certificate if baptised and any sacramental certificates
*Preference students - 5.2 - 5.3 - copy of sponsor's baptismal certificate
*Preference students - 5.4 - significant Familial Adult Involvement in the Life of the Parish
*Non-preference students - a reference from your church community or current school
*Copy of birth certificate
*Non-NZ residents - a copy of the student's passport with visa/permit which states the student is a domestic student
*Copy of student’s most recent school report
*Auckland Diocese Attendance Dues Agreement
*Use of Devices, Internet and Loan Device Agreement - St Mary's College
Enrolment Queries
Please contact the Enrolment Officer via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call (09) 376 6568.
Enrolment - International Students
Please click here for more information or refer to the International Student Director, Mrs Sue King - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Why St Mary's College?
- A Catholic education in the Mercy tradition
- These Catholic, Mercy values are at the heart of what we do
- Preparing students for the world that they will graduate into, "21st Century Women of Mercy"
- High academic results
- All students supported in their learning
- Holistic education including a variety of musical, sporting, cultural and other activities.
- Long history and tradition of Music - all students in Years 7-9 learn a musical instrumnet
- Maximum roll of 1000 which is large enought to offer a wide range of opportunities and subjects, but small enough that people know you well and you know all the students in your level
- Excellent faclities including purpose built science labs, gymnasium, swimming pool, technology spaces and refurbished classrooms
A virtual welcome to St. Mary’s College was held on Monday 14 March. You can view the recording here
Questions that were asked and answered are summarised here.
You can also see a little bit about College life in these videos:
Carmel Carroll - Choir Director 2013-2020
Maia - Music Prefect and French Horn
Trinity - Music Prefect and Cello
Our Open Day in 2021 was cancelled due to COVID-19 Alert Level 4lockdown. Some of our students helped share stories of their time at St Mary's College.
Please check out the videos below: