Why Study in New Zealand?

We celebrate cultural richness at many special events such as Mercy Day and International Day. 

Visit Auckland

St Mary’s College is in Ponsonby – view this video to find out more:

Homestay families wanted

Can you host an International Student?

St Mary’s College is looking for caring families to host our school’s international students. 

Ideally we aim for our students to be able to commute to and from school using one of our school buses or, even better, live within our community and walk to school.

We have a number of students visiting our school needing accommodation, including three meals a day. Their stays range from two weeks, to a term or a full school year. A reimbursement of $320 per week is offered.

If you can host a student (short or long-term) we would love to hear from you. Please feel free to pass this information onto other families who may be interested in becoming part of our homestay programme.

Please email us for more information or phone Sue King on 021 157 8776 for a current information pack.  

Thank you, we look forward to hearing from you.



ESL support for our International Students

(English as a second language)

Most second language learners need some support, from beginners to students who are working towards University Entrance. The ESL Department’s role is to provide programmes to meet these learners’ needs, providing language and curriculum support.

At St Mary’s College we recognise each student as unique and special. As such, our ESL classes are small and individualised. In this way, students can get all the targeted support they need in a caring environment. 

Prior to arrival, and then on arrival, students from second language backgrounds are tested to determine their language learning needs. Then they are placed in an appropriate ESL programme. Programmes are flexible and are based on students’ learning needs. However, generally there are three options available:

ESL 1 – Junior ESL

This class is for junior and short-term students who are at a pre-intermediate level or below. Students learn language through a series of units such as ‘Getting to know New Zealand’, ‘The Natural Environment’ and ‘Many Cultures’. These units introduce the students to the New Zealand curriculum. Junior students are withdrawn from their mainstream classes to attend lessons.

ESL 2 – Working towards NCEA

This class is for senior students who are ready to do academic work and are working towards NCEA Level 1. The students learn English and are offered some NCEA assessments. The aim is to support the students’ language learning and teach them the skills they need for University Entrance Literacy assessments the following year.

ESL 3 – Academic English

This class is for Year 12 and 13 students who are working towards University Entrance in their Level 2 English class. The aim is to support the students with their learning and allow them additional time to complete their English standards. If students have a sufficiently advanced level of English, they may be offered Academic English Language Standards.

St Mary's College welcomes enrolment enquiries from International Students


International Student Fees 2025

Student Subject & Options 2025

Terms and Conditions 2025

Refund Policy


How to enrol at St Mary's College

Application Procedure

Students who wish to apply for Years 11, 12 or 13 must be at pre-intermediate English level. All students will be assessed individually.

It is reccommended that students under 14 years need to live with a parent or guardian, the International Director will review each student's circumstances and assess the circumstances of their living arrangements. Please click here for Application Procedure information.

Enrolment / Acceptance Procedure

After an online placement test and interview (using Microsoft TEAMS), the school will notify the agent/family if the student has successfully met the English requirement and invite them to proceed with the student's application.

Please ensure the following is included in the student's application:

  • Self-introduction of student to homestay/buddy (including photos)
  • Subjects and option selection
  • Page of handwriting. We like to know about the student’s family, friends, favourite subjects and things that they like doing as well as her future ambitions.

Further testing and writing may be required once the student starts school to check the validity of her writing and level of English. The school reserves the right to change year level throughout enrolment in consultation with students and families.

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Programme

Every student needs to bring a Windows device that has English Windows 10 capability for Office 365. When the student arrives, we will install Office Pro Plus 365 on their device. This includes OneNote which is the pIatform for the student’s E-learning and where they make all their class notes. If the device is not properly configured and we can’t get the student connected it will affect their learning and a new device may need to be sourced. Click here for our recommended device.

Any enquiries please contact:

Sue King
International Student Director
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +64 9 376 6568 ext 817
Mob: +64 21 157 8776

Applying for a Student Visa

There are two types of Visa’s available for a student studying at our school.  

ONE YEAR VISA or PATHWAY VISA for more than one year and up to five.

For a PATHWAY VISA the parents need to provide bank statements to show they have enough income to support their daughter for the current year AND the ability to pay the remaining years (approx. $20,000 each year) through bank statements showing investment income or regular employment income. 

St Mary's College can assist with the online application for either visa at a cost of $50 per Student Visa and $100 per Parent/Guardian Visa (Visitor).

All applications for a  Student Visa or Parent Living with their Daughter (Visitor Visa with Guardian status) are online through the New Zealand Immigration Service.

Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for assistance and the latest information.

Immigration matters

All international students must hold a valid visa to study in New Zealand, and adhere to their visa conditions. Visit the Immigration New Zealand website for more information on visas.

“Our commitment is to provide an excellent education and enriched cultural experience to all international students whilst they are studying at St Mary’s College ."  

St Mary’s College is committed to providing a world class education and is considered one of the top academic performing schools in New Zealand.   Students’ are inspired by the diverse subject choice and supported to strive for high standards with around 95% of students graduating to universities around the world.  The College is the oldest Catholic girls’ school in New Zealand with traditional values which develops the whole person with confidence and a strong sense of social justice.  The school has 1000 students and spaces for 45 international students, so the level of care and support is exceptional.


Please click a flag below for the latest translated School Information:

Korea  japan

Outstanding Academic Excellence

St Mary’s College offers a dynamic NCEA curriculum which is studied from Years 11-13 as an academic pathway to University Entrance. The College consistently achieves some of the highest success rates in New Zealand. NCEA is an excellent qualification that offers a seamless transition to any university or tertiary institute in New Zealand and is globally recognised.

Please click here for information on why to choose a girls' only school or Catholic School for your daughter. 

St Mary’s College students’ history of academic excellence is reflected in our outstanding NCEA results:


Level 1 95 %
Level 2 97 %
Level 3 97%
University Entrance 87 %

All Year 13 students are given the opportunity to successfully graduate to a University or Tertiary provider, and the majority of students in Years 11-13 gain a Merit or Excellent endorsement. Some recent successes are:

Yolanda Fan, China – University of Auckland – Early Childhood Degree
Yuka Fujii, Japan – Sophia University – Global Perspectives (Journalism)
Vanessa Chan, Hong Kong – University of Auckland – Engineering
Maggie Wang, Taiwan - Biomedical Science - University of Auckland 
So Yeon Kim, Korea - Bachelor of Fine Arts - University of Auckland

NCEA and University Entrance 

The College follows the New Zealand curriculum for the National Certificate of Educational Achievement (NCEA) which is studied over three years in Years 11, 12 and 13. Please click here to find out more about NCEA.

For more information on the College's diverse subject range, please click here.

Central Auckland location

The school is located in one of Auckland's most respectable suburbs, Ponsonby, Central Auckland, just a 10-minute walk to Auckland’s city centre. It has a special mix of traditional and modern facilities including a 30m pool, tennis courts, gymnasium and a chapel, all within its spacious grounds, with spectacular harbour and city views. St Mary's College is located just 10 minutes from Auckland's CBD.

Care and Support for each student 

St Mary’s has four dedicated staff who look after the international students to make sure they are happy and successful.  Each student has the support of an Academic Dean who sets realistic expectations and individual timetables, an International Director who looks after their overall wellbeing and a homestay coordinator if they are living in a school monitored homestay, and an administration and student support advisor. The school is very caring and the students are friendly, welcoming and respectful. A classroom buddy and international ambassador programme is established to help support the students during their first few weeks while they settle into school and find friends.

A school rich in traditions and history

Established in 1850, St Mary’s College is the oldest girls’ school in New Zealand. It is steeped in history, tradition and cultural richness, all based on the spiritual values of Mercy. International students do not need to be Catholic to enrol. Every student is valued and shares a sense of community with compassion, care and respect for others.

Outstanding Music school

The St Mary’s Music Department is world-renowned for its award-winning achievements and is recognised for musical excellence in New Zealand and abroad. St Mary's College continues to provide superior music tuition which, over the years, has helped many acclaimed musicians realise their potential. Music is an important part of school life and music instruction is compulsory in Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9. There are many exciting musical opportunities for students at all levels to choose from, such as orchestras, symphonic and jazz bands and choral singing groups. Participation in music groups is also a wonderful way for students to make new friends. To find out more about music click here.


International students can live with an approved caregiver (i.e. family member) or in an approved homestay that the school organises.  All homestay families are police checked and meet strict criteria before they can host students.

Please view our 2024 Homestay Information Pack

School quality assurance 

All schools in New Zealand are reviewed by the Education Review Office (ERO) who look at how schools’ reach positive learning outcomes for all children and young people. St Mary’s College has an excellent review including the process for international students which can be found here.

Being an Agent for the school

We take the experiences of our international students very seriously. We rely on our agents to enhance the experience for students and maintain close communication between students, families and school.

If you are interested in becoming an agent, please complete an Expression of Interest with references and send to:

Sue King, International Student Director: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

When approved, the school will send you an Agent Agreement.

Information for Parents and Students

2025 St Mary's College International Student Application Form and Contract